Taarifa ya Uteuzi wa LARC
Taarifa Muhimu Kuhusu Uteuzi Wako wa LARC Ujao
Copper IUD Mirena Kyleena Jaydess
Tafadhali fika dakika 5 kabla ya wakati wako wa miadi, kuhakikisha kuwa umesajili kuwasili kwako kwenye mapokezi.
Katika chumba cha kliniki utafuatana na kliniki na msaidizi. Daktari atazungumza na wewe kupitia utaratibu huo kwa undani, kujibu maswali yoyote ambayo unaweza kuwa nayo na kupata kibali.
How should I feel afterwards?
Most women experience some period-like discomfort for 24-48 hours after fitting, but then it usually settles.
There may be some bleeding or spotting for a few days. If an IUD is fitted during a period, the period may be heavier and last slightly longer than usual.
If the pain is severe, gets worse or does not settle after 3 days you should contact the clinic or your GP.
What should I do afterwards?
Take simple painkillers such as paracetamol and/or ibuprofen (as long as you are not allergic to these products).
Rest for several hours after fitting, and avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day. Using a hot water bottle may help.
You should avoid the use of tampons and menstrual cups in the first 28 days after having a coil fitted, so use pads only. After this you can resume use.
When can I resume sex?
A copper IUD is effective straight away as contraception. An IUS Mirena/Levosert/Kyleena or Jaydess) will be effective straight away if you are in the first 7 days of your cycle. If you are day 8 or later when your IUS is fitted you will need to use another contraceptive alongside for an additional 7 days (up to day 15).
Is there anything I should look out for?
Change in bleeding pattern occurs frequently after your coil insertion. This should settle after 3-6 months.
If you think you may have an infection please see your GP as soon as possible. Symptoms of an infection may include:
Persistent or worsening lower abdominal pain
Abnormal vaginal discharge
Pain during sexual intercourse
When does the coil need changing?
The date at which the coil needs to be removed or changed can be found on the card provided to you by your clinician at the end of the procedure.
It is your responsibility to attend your GP or local sexual health clinic before this date to have your coil removed or exchanged before this date.
If you are planning to conceive, please arrange an appointment at your local Sexual Health clinic or your GP for the coil to be removed.
Checking your threads
Gently put your finger inside your vagina. Feel for your cervix (which feels firm, like the end of your nose). Gently roll your finger over your cervix and you should feel your threads. You should check for your coil threads once a month.
It is unlikely that your coil will fall out, but if you cannot feel your threads, please abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms and make an appointment with GSH Central Clinic or your GP to have the device checked. If you think you may have had sex since the coil has moved, you may need emergency contraception. Please seek advice as soon as possible.
Was your coil IUS fitted after your 45th birthday?
If you are using it for contraception it can stay in until your 56th birthday.
Was your coil IUS fitted after your 40th birthday?
If you are using it for contraception it can stay in until your 56th birthday.
We do not offer any follow up appointments
Please contact GSH Central Clinic or your GP for support & advice.
Additional Advice
If you are aged 25 or over, make sure you have regular cervical smears, as part of the National Cervical Screening Programme.
Have regular sexual health checks, as you should, whether or not a coil has been fitted. For more information about the IUD/IUS in general, look at:
Kwa habari zaidi juu ya utaratibu wa kuweka / uondoaji wa implant tafadhalitembelea hapa.
Kwa habari zaidi juu ya utaratibu wa kuweka coil tafadhali tembelea hapa kwaCoil ya IUDna hapa kwaMfumo wa Intrauterine (IUS).
Je, unahitaji Kughairi Uteuzi Wako?
If for any reason you need to cancel your LARC appointment, please text “CANCEL” to the number you wamepokea simu yetu LARC kutoka.